Well, it's been a week since I wiped out all my calendars, my life... Or so I thought.
Turns out that the old computer DID still have something to offer---my calendar through February of this year. It also had preprog'd recurring events, like birthdays and anniversaries, that shortened by re-entry curve a bit.
Then the funniest thing happened. Scrolling through my Outlook calendar on the new computer, forlornly looking at the empty spaces, I saw... STUFF. I searched (well, okay, I'm lazy, I let Windows search) all over that hard drive, the secondary partition, AND the external drive and couldn't find any of those damned *.pst files. But somehow (black magic?) there were still events on my calendar.
I manually entered a few of them into the great Google and started recreating my schedule, the girl's schedule (far more crowded than mine, lol) and the litany of important days to remember.
Then I synced to my phone--woo hoo! I knew where I was again.
I just didn't know where anyone else was.
This sent me scrambling back to web to look up the sync deets again. Re-reading the info, I came close to tears. The only way to color code (currently, though based on my peek at the forum people have been begging big G to add this feature for a looong time) G-cal events is to put them on separate calendars.
Google only knows how to sync ONE calendar though, a girl's main events calendar. Read that as my schedule, since, as we all know (& contrary to what my daughter thinks), it really is all about me. Not so awesome. AND this rule applies to syncing with Outlook, too.
That tore it. I HAD to move back.
I need all my stuff to show up in one place, with one sync event, and color-coded on my monitor for ease of scheduling, period.
After a week of painstakingly entering events in six different Google calendars I exported them all back to Outlook and will be spending my free time for the rest of the week fixing the color-coding. Yay.
Coming Tomorrow: Calendar Comparisons featuring Outlook, Google Calendar, Sunbird/Thunderbird, and Lotus Notes.
Looking forward to your calendar comparison. I ended up back in Outlook (which I don't really like) because I couldn't get Sunbird to work at all and really like having my calendar right there. Haven't yet convinced myself that Google is the way to go fully and completely. Plus, now I have my Outlook syncing to my phone easily so I'm not making any changes. :)
Get a Palm Pre and Google. Absolute best system I've ever used. Syncs over the air, I don't have to remember to do anything. My assistant in Indiana can put something into my calendar and within a few minutes, it's showing up on my phone. Talk about magic!
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