Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Isn't It Ironic...?

Both RaidMan and my bud, Cheryl, have pointed out the irony of what I do for a living dabble in from time to time. Why?


While I am notoriously well organized at work, at home, where I write, not so much. (insert pictures of scary office here)

and I ghost for a professional organizer

If you read Crystal's blog, and you've seen the pics she's had up lately, you know I am not a small woman.

and I ghost for a weight loss counselor

I keep my books in a spreadsheet I created 4 years ago.

and I blog for a bookkeeper

I am the Queen, nay, the Cosmic Universal Superpower of Procrastination

and I write for an efficiency coach

I am pretty sure that I am living proof that you don't have to "write what you know" to get paid.

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