Since it was already scanned, I thought I'd share...

Someone once told me my nickname--Dynila--sounds like an ice cream flavor.
Welcome to the parlor.
So we enrolled her there and discovered the joy of taking one of 700 enrolled students to a school with no bus service. How I envied the parents off-loading four kids in the morning--at least they were getting their wait's worth out of it!
Year two of school and J's school expands massively, taking over a school that was previously church-affiliated and hit financial hard times. Woo-hoo, parking!
Not so much. The way the new administration handles morning drop-off is not the same as the way the old one did.
For most of last school year the carryover parents just did the way they always had: Stopping in the middle of the aisle & blocking traffic while they released their kids into the wild, sometimes even getting out of the car to help them with bags or projects. Did I mention this was in the middle of the friggin' parking lot driving lane?
Then these kids were left to find their own way from parking lot to class on a busy open air campus. Yea, cuz that's safe *snort*
My own personal issue, though, I've saved for last.
Just because ~your~ kid is safely in the school does NOT mean you get to drive like MY KID is a traffic cone!
Parents who drop their kids and seem to immediately perceive the parking lot as a road-rage video game drive me mad! (no pun intended, this time) The parking lot, because it was built by the church, has multiple entry points and the school has not enforced any kind of traffic flow standard. There's a whole lot of going in through the out driveway, people coming from all angles, paying little or no attention to the world around them.
Looking from across the street while I decide which driveway is less likely to get me killed, it kind of looks like oversize bumper cars, or a scarily coordinated synchronized event. You know, one where all the participants are precise fractions of seconds away from crashing into each other.
You can always tell the cars that still have kids in them, too. They are between the lines, there is no rubber smoke billowing out of their wheel wells. The drivers, while harried looking trying to make that first bell, are polite. They park far enough away that you can get in and out of your car.
Mom or dad alone? (I hate to say it guys, but Dads definitely seem to be worse about this!) You'd better not leave your car door open too long getting in or you might lose it when they back out of there like a bat outta hell. Actually, I'm pretty sure some of them can drive faster in reverse than a bat can fly...
This is, apparently, a problem for any school that has anything other than a narrow 1 or 2 lane driveway, so I know I'm not alone.
To all you frustrated race car drivers who drop kids at my girl's school:
Would you kick the ass of someone who endangered your kid in the school parking lot? So would I. Remember that the next time you drive around me like I'm a speed bump, or I may be forced to prove it.
PS - anyone know any handy tips re: assault laws in Texas? kthanxbai!
For the record, yes, books 1 & 2 above are total brain candy, like beach books. I write boring enthralling business copy and do various other unexciting things for work. For relaxation I like mindless fluff with vampires & other paranormal stuff (witches, weres, etc), so sue me.
I never claimed to be into the classics and freely admit I only got through Moby Dick by listening to it. If I'd read it I would probably still be in the coma it would have put me in. The writing was beautiful, but the whale nonsense, especially when I'm enough of a marine bio enthusiast to know how incorrect it was, drove me nutty. But I listened to it. Every single freakin' word. I deserve a medal, lol.
The above sign is not a suggestion. I ~hated~ school zones when I was a teen learning to drive. Once I had kids I was a bit more tolerant. Now that I have a kid IN school, I get it.
Is anyone really in such a hurry that the extra 60 seconds they save going too fast in the school zone is going to make a difference? More important, though, my peeve is that people need to do it right.
There is a major road (Parmer, for you Austinites) that I take to cross the North side anytime I'm not taking J to school. It has a school zone that takes the speed limit from 50 to 35. People hit their brakes at the beginning of the zone because it is right after a light. Then hit the gas literally the instant they have passed the school. School zone goes on for another 1/2 block because a residential neighborhood that feeds to the school, sidewalks and all, has its entrance there and kids do walk in the mornings. Don't speed up til you're past the WHOLE school zone folks!
In all fairness, not many kids walk and it is a 6-lane road, but still...
I pass another school frequently. This one is a ridiculously expensive private school, also on a major thoroughfare. This school is so far back from the road you can't even see the building from the street. It has a school zone almost half a mile long. And, because it is a private school with no bus service, NONE of the students walk to school. NONE. Zip, zilch, nada. You never see a kid anywhere near the street there. But I have to slow down (45 to 35) for a half a mile.
Personally, I think the sole purpose of this school zone is to make it easier for the parents to get in and out of the parking lot.
Another school just up the same road, that is RIGHT on the road and has kids that come via public transportation (and the bus stop is across the street) can't get a school zone at all! They are on the line between jurisdictions and no one wants to take responsibility for who would establish and maintain said school zone.
So, no matter how much the school zone irks you in the morning, slow down all the way through, or find another route.
To the people in charge of establishing school zones, a little more common sense would be nice.
Some schools don't need them (or at least don't need them to extend damn near a 1/4 mile to either side of the campus entrance!) and some do, use your brains people!
While I am notoriously well organized at work, at home, where I write, not so much. (insert pictures of scary office here)
and I ghost for a professional organizerBecause I am newly re-entering the blogosphere on a personal level, I refuse to obey rule #2 and tag six other people. If you wanna play, go for it, but don't blame me :-)